Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is an immediate, life-threatening emergency!

  • Symptoms:
    1. High body core temperature (over 105°F).
    2. Hot, dry, red skin.
    3. No perspiration (most notable, this is the point where the body went from heat exhaustion to heat stroke).
    4. Very rapid and strong pulse.
    5. Unconsciousness.

  • Treatment:
    1. Move victim to cool environment.
    2. Remove perspiration-soaked clothing.
    3. Loosen tight or restrictive clothing.
    4. Apply cool, wet cloth to the skin, changing frequently.
    5. Keep victim still and prone.
    6. Talk to the victim to keep them from going into a coma.
    7. Give the victim cool water to drink.
    8. Fan the victim or provide air circulating equipment.
    9. Do not give victim any alcohol, which is a blood-thinning agent, or caffeine, which is a diuretic.
    10. Contact medical professionals as soon as possible, especially if victim refuses water, vomits or is unconscious.
    11. Immersing in cold water can lead to shock. If the situation is serious enough, you can use cool (not cold!) water, especially if the victim is a child. Only put a few inches of cool water in the tub and use a cup to pour over exposed skin.

From US Navy boot camp training. This helped me once, when a neighbor's kid went into heat stroke.