I salute you. I envy and fear you.

Maddox, Lowtax, and any other non-famous person on any forum who ever criticized me:

Thank you.

I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being appreciative. Without criticism (even of the non-constructive, non-sugar-coated variety), how would we know who is truly entertaining and who is just another bystander?

Places like Something Awful are my havens. Those middle schoolers over at Gaia Online are too nice, too polite, and just too plain for my interests. There is nothing for me there.

But oh, the Something Awful Forums. My fellow goons, in the few months I have been among you, you have provided me with hours of entertainment at the expense of each other and myself. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

There is something exhilarating about having to worry that I might get probated for my post in the forums, or that my writeup might get downvoted. It's the waiting, the anticipation, and then the moment of truth.

To put it simply, it's the no-bullshit humor that these sorts of websites spew forth. I love it.