Ah, the old death train theory...
A phenomenon that also occurs at approx 6.15am from Dundalk to Dublin.
Same story, you've been out on a typical Dundalk saturday night of madness, everyone is home for the weekend, you arrange to meet up with some people on the sunday for a recovery session in your local public house of choice.
You have the dinner down without too many problems, so it's off to the pub for a few swift halves. Before you know it, 7pm has rolled around and you have to get the train back to Dublin in half an hour. You are with your mates, having a great time, the drink is flowing, the crack is good, you have no clothes packed, no way of getting to the train. The decision doesn't take long.
Come 11pm and you are well an truly gee-eyed, you stumble home, set your alarm for 5.45am. Wake up the next morning not knowing where the fuck you are, who the fuck you are, then the harsh reality of the death train hits.
Damn you death train!