I was one of the astronauts sent to a new planet, and during the long trip the crew had changed a lot.. Though some were scared of it at start, we had now accepted the fact that we had become werecreatures, and because we were the only sentient lifeforms stuck together withing lightyears, we had given up covering our fur anymore. The time of the landing was at hand, and what still remained of our working procedures made us get at least some clothes before stepping to the planet. Most of us wore nothing but shorts, and I remember a female werewolf next to me only combing her breast fur over her nipples before the landing started..

After the pod had landed, we stepped out to the new world. The climate was warm and the planet had vast jungles, but since the Earth and humans had been long forgotten, no one cared of the standard procedures, and just wandered around the pod, looking around and sniffing the new scents. I wandered further through the vegetation, untill I arrived to shore of a long pond. At the other side of it I saw a light brown desert fox on a sand of the beach, and I felt myself turning from were to full desert fox form myself. I felt great, and run around the pond to the beach, heading towards the other fox. I loved the feeling of sand under my paws and the lightness of my fast body, but I woke up into ugly reality where I'm a man in skin on this god-forsaken piece of rock..