I and someone else thought about capturing a zeppelin tied down in a valley.. It was tied down with heavy wires, and a mentally unevolved horse morph was guarding it. The other hijacker talked to him while I moved down the landslope to one of the wires. I had a hammer with me, and the wire was connected with a bolt holding down a wheel that was locked on the cliff. I managed to hammer the bolt enough to turn it loose, dropping the wheel and the bolt off as the wire got loose and snapped up towards the ship. The parts those fell to the ground were a bit rusty, but I decided to take them with me, holding them away from my clothes. I got back up, and the other hijacker had persuaded the horse to come with us, but when we got to the ship, we disengaged the last wire holding the ship down and got into air while he was stepping in, so he fell into the valley the airship was held in. Then, I dont remember what happened..

We seemed to be looking for something on our adventure, and long after the airship incident I and my companion were travelling up a tropical river with large and slow two motored boat. A smaller motorboat full of tourists got easily past us, passengers waving and laughing at us because our travel worn clothes and less-than-average ship made us look like aboriginals. I wasnt insulted, but annoyed enough to push the throttle to the maxium, only causing the engine sound go up without any visible effect to our speed. I walked frustated back and forth while my companion told me to take it easy, but when I got to the motor I noticed that a part vas missing from one of them. I grabbed a square metal piece I had gotten from somewhere from the floor and somehow got it to hold on the engine, making me feel good enough to sit back with my friend. Soon we got to our destination, a ship-like restaurant built in the middle of the swamp for tourist attraction. We tied our boat on the dock and got in, but I woke up..