I completely agree with what the author of the first writeup says, but the real title of that article is "Using Money Only to Buy Stuff Can't Bring Happiness".

It's all about how you use the money. If you use it to move to a place where you feel at home, it will bring you happiness. If you use it to quit the well-paying job you hate and instead work for a non-profit doing something you love instead, it will bring you happiness. If you use it for experiences instead of things - say, to travel the world, it will bring you happiness.

In our modern culture, money came to mean "material possessions". That's not what it was meant to be and not what it really is even now. Money represents how much power you have in society, and power is freedom - freedom to be able to do what you really want and not to have to put up with anything you hate. How could that not make you happy?