This is what graduate school will turn you into if you aren't very, very careful. It can be an amazing process, as genuinely smart, interesting people are reduced to spewing out ten times as many words with one-tenth the actual content within a year or two at most.

The reason this happens, particularly in liberal arts fields, is one of the dirty secrets of academia: deep in our soul of souls, we know that most of what we study could be just as easily understood by someone with a decent high school education and a willingness to think about things other than sex, sports, and reality television. In order to justify our well paid, secure, cushy academic jobs, an elaborate jargon has been built up over the years for each field and subfield to intimidate the plebes. This is a vitally important point for any incoming graduate student to realize, because your years before your dissertation are not spent learning about your subject (you did that in undergrad), but learning the advanced jargon of the subject and the history behind said jargon.

The worst part about it is, a lot of academics realize this and want to change it, but in order to gain enough respect from your colleagues for them to actually listen to you say, "Hey, we should change this," you still need to learn the jargon and say it in the jargon.

Case in point: during my first year of my religious studies MA, I was having an impossible time parsing what the hell my Intro to Modern Theology professor was saying about, well, anything for most of the semester. Finally, in the last month of class, it finally dawned on me what he and the older grad students were saying, and I made the mistake of blurting it out in plain English:

Me: Wait, so what we're saying is that theology is a dying field because nobody thinks it's relevant, and nobody thinks it's relevant because nobody can understand what we're talking about.

(long pause)

Professor: Well, yes, basically....

Me: Then why don't we try saying it that way for starters?

He was not amused. And unfortunately, he was also the head of the department, which is one of the many reasons why I'm now in communication studies instead of religion.