So a friend of mine walks into the liquor store after work one day with a buddy of hers. They have a grand total of three dollars between them, and they're looking to get tipsy at best. Her buddy picks up the cheapest bottle of wine in the store and saunters up to the counter. She looks at the clerk. The clerk looks at the bottle.

"So," says the buddy, "be honest with me. This wine is gonna taste like ass, isn't it?"

"Sure is," says the clerk.

"Okay," she says, "so what kind of ass will this taste like?"

The clerk thinks about it for a minute, and then replies with such a gem of wisdom that I wish I could take credit for it:

"If you haven't the means to afford vodka and Kool-Aid, then this is the ass for you." My friend and her buddy consequently paid for the wine and left. And yes, she reports, it did taste like ass.