"A boy has the right to dream. There are endless possibilities stretched out before him. What awaits him down the path he will then have to chose. Children leave their homes in search of this quest As they search they are always asking questions "whats out there, whats waiting for me?" Believe in your self and create your own destiny don't fear failure."

This quote sums up what toonami was about. Not only was it a powerful message, but in the wake of era were television was on a downward slump it gave a glimmer of hope to those who may have thought different. Growing up cartoons rarely had any positive message and it wasn't until I started watching toonami that I began to appreciate who I was as an individual. it's hard growing up and not fitting in and to one day watching a show with a message like this really got to me and made me decide for myself that even though I liked video games. comic books, and generally all things the can be perceived as uncool that it's okay to dare to be different.
