user since
Thu Jun 29 2000 at 10:52:28 (24.2 years ago )
last seen
Mon Mar 20 2023 at 21:41:11 (1.5 years ago )
number of write-ups
223 - View TallRoo's writeups (feed)
level / experience
19 (Poobah) / 19558
C!s spent
most recent writeup
October 15, 2003
Send private message to TallRoo

I'm not around much these days

E2 Nuke Request
Nodeshells Marked For Destruction
Broken Nodes
Wharfinger's Linebreaker
E2 List Formatter
Text Formatter
Voting Oracle
Database Lag-o-meter
Blind Voting Booth
coolnodes - admire
As Cool As It Gets
Donation Box
Your Nodeshells - your personal todo list

E2 Color Toy
Punch Thyself
Golden Trinkets
E2 Sperm Counter
A Year Ago Today
Everything Finger
Noding Speedometer
Pictures of Everythingians
Who to send presents to, and when.

Docs and Info
Everything University
Everything FAQ
On the noding of quotes
School of Information Analysis of Everything (1)

Some nodes I like:

rooreynolds dot com