ISS Mission Control Team

This is the group that occupies the Blue Flight Control room at NASA's Johnson Space Center during Space Shuttle missions to the station, and soon during actual station occupancy. The positions are identified by acronyms and/or nicknames, some dating back to the first manned rocket launches.

  • Flight: Short for 'Flight Commander,' this is the leader of the mission control team and the final 'decision maker.'
  • TOPO: Trajectory OPerations. Responsible for Shuttle/Station orbit parameters, reboosts, reorientation, etc.
  • RIO: Russian Interface Operator serves to link the U.S. and Russian operations teams.
  • EVA: ExtraVehicular Ops is responsible for all spacewalks, EVA gear monitoring, EVA planning, etc.
  • GC: Ground Controller maintains all ground operations in support of the mission, such as ground station relays, monitoring Ground Control equipment and systems, etc.
  • CATO: Comm And Tracking Officer. Monitors all station on-orbit communications and telemetry systems.
  • CAPCOM: Spacecraft Communicator (from CAPsule COMmunications, used in early spaceflight) this officer is responsible for all communications with Shuttle and Station crew, serving as prime comm link (the familiar voice).
  • OP: Operations Planner. Resonsible for developing, implementing and monitoring crew activities and work schedules when the shuttle is not docked to the station.
  • ACO: Assembly and Checkout Officer. Responsible for managing all Station construction, assembly, activation, and checkout ops.
  • ODIN: Onboard Data, Interfaces and Networks is in charge of all Station computers, caution and warning systems, and interfacing data with international partners.
  • OSO: Operations Support Officer, handles all on-orbit maintenance and support activity including procedure development.
  • ECLSS: Environmental Control and Life Support Systems officer, who deals with the assembly, checkout and monitoring of all lifesupport aboard.
  • ROSO: Robotics Systems Operator. In charge of the Station robotic arm and its associated maintenance assembly and now Robonaut.
  • PHALCON: Power, Heating, Articulation, Lighting and CONtrol. Manages all electrical power available to the Station for operations and maintenance.
  • THOR: THermal Operations. Responsible for managing and monitoring the Station's thermal control systems (air conditioning).
  • ADCO: Attitude Determination and Control Officer, who handles and monitors all Station guidance and maneuvering systems. Distinct from TOPO in that they run the systems, not the orbit planning.
  • PAO: Public Affairs Officer. Acknowledging the role of the Station as grand theater, this desk at the rear of Blue Control faces any observers or cameras and the occupant acts as commentator.

...and of course, a cast of thousands around the world without whom the thing wouldn't work at all, instead of working sorta. from various points of the NASA manned flight page at