Well, shit.

I really don't even know what to say. This, for me, is not normal, but this isn't about me.

Others have said it better, already. I think dannye's main opinion of me was one of exasperation; a feeling that "this liberal shit can do better than he's doing, and he ain't."

I think that was his opinion of many of us, and as others have said before, that's one of the things that we'll miss most - that assumption that there was someone on E2 shaking his head at you in disappointment or just plain ornery annoyance - and once in a great while, we would rewrite our crap, raise the bar, earn our bullshit, whatever, just so we could flip him the bird from behind an offering we weren't as ashamed of.

I'm mostly sad I never got to meet him. We talked about it, a few times; but I think we knew it was unlikely to happen. It would mean disturbing that essential relationship of "for fuck's sake, kid."

I think if anything, he'd be proud that his passing on lifted the 'Other Users' list to levels it hasn't seen in quite a while, with names that haven't signed in in years. But at the same time, I think he'd say "if that's what it takes, this place is fucked."

Whether he's right or wrong, it doesn't detract from the statement the wake makes; it doesn't detract from the the fact that a crowd of imaginary internet whackjobs is going to miss the hell out of him.

See you when I see you, brother. Hold a drink for me.