
It's been a while since my last edlog, I know. Since then, I've managed to do terrible things to my Achilles' tendon walking in Belgium, eaten far too much wonderful food in Hungary, turned 30, gallivanted across Morocco, and applied for countless new jobs that don't leave me wanting to pull out my hair and scratch out my eyeballs. I wasn't sure if I had anything to say, but I was reminded that I rather do.


E2 is many different things to many different people. That's hardly an original statement; we seem to debate it at length in the catbox on a regular basis. Not only that, but if you participated in the discussions surrounding the creation of a replacement email for new users you'll know how extensive they were, or perhaps you can recall how many writeups (now deleted) there were in the node Rewriting the Front Page Blurb. There's a dazzling spectrum of opinions, and they're all valid. But you know what binds us together? You know what we all have in common? We write.

Whether we comment on contemporary events, explain obscurities, rant or rave in reviews, tantalise our tastebuds, transport each other into fantasy worlds, or unburden our souls, e2 is our lexicographical playground. We have the opportunity to experiment, to express ourselves, even to assume a new persona here. So why not make the most of it? Why not try a style of writing you've not explored before now? Why not edge out of the familiar and have some fun in the obscure?

Try a Scriblerus-ish quirky factual. Try a sneff-style recipe. Try a toasterleavings-esque piece of anarcho-comedy. Try an 18thCandidate-type review. Try a you-style something-you've-not-tried-before.

Really, you've got nothing to lose.

Write short

Not that I have anything against long writeups, but short can be good. (Hush! Yes, I know that I'm only 156cm.) Sometimes we seem to forget this on e2. We forget that every writeup doesn't need to be an exhaustive, blow-by-blow account of a minor battle that took place on an isolated island in the Pacific that, actually, might not have happened at all. We forget that short fiction can delight; it doesn't have to be a tome. We forget that a good lede can be just what someone wants and needs. To help us not forget, Tem42, Oolong, and I are questing for brevity.

Try a precise explanation. Try a poem. Try a concise review. Try a short story.

Really, you've got nothing to lose.

Spring is sprung

Well, if you live in the northern hemisphere, any way. For our southern hemisphere noders, they are heading into autumn. It's always worth remembering that e2's readers are an international bunch. Many things that we take for granted aren't cross-cultural, so we should all take a moment to ensure that what we have to say can be successfully interpreted by our readers, even if we do all speak the same language.

Clampe's students

Over the past couple of weeks clampe's students have appeared on the site, fulfilling the annual e2 assignment. Having e2 thrust upon them, as opposed to joining of their own volition must be rather testing and I really do admire their tenacity and good humour. I'd also like to extend my thanks to the editorial team and other users who have shown patience and dedication in offering them advice and support. It can be overwhelming for all concerned. All the same, I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to say about us!


...tentative with a shiny $. Probably against her better judgement and to my delight, she accepted a position on the editorial team at the end of March. Her primary focus of attention will be on babynoders, helping them to grow into not-so-babynoders, but she has all knobs and levers you get with being in e2contact and she's not afraid to use them.


The flat racing season has just begun (Kieran Fallon for Champion Jockey, if you can get a good price) and the English cricket season is about to start. I've no international excursions planned for a while, so you're stuck with me yet.

Pour a measure of gin into the bottom of a tall glass. Add ice. Top up with equal quantities of orange and cranberry juice. Finish with lime.