"Money: I want it."

My parents gaped at me open-mouthed. No, I had not committed an act of sin, nor was I a sniveling little beggar (well, maybe that). I had just said my first complete sentence. And what implications that sentence had, at the tender age of 18 months....

At the time we were at the supermarket. After staring blankly at me for what both of my parents tell me was quite a while, my dad forked over a penny. Wow! I must've been on a role. My first sentence spoken and my first penny made. Unfortunaly, I was too still a little young to know the meaning of "a penny saved is a penny earned," so naturally I spent it on one of the only things that to this day still costs a penny: a horsey ride. It was the first of many. One could say I had a gay affair with that horse I spent so much time on it in the years to come. Then being with my dad was uncool, so no more trips to the store.

In retrospect, I look back and cringe at the fact that my first coherent sentence was "Money: I want it." While any person in their right mind wants money, I have become somewhat of a radical against the filthy rich. I believe that having too much money is simply inconspicuous consumption, and once somebody gets past a certain point, they are a drain on the world around us. Nobody deserves to be a multi-billionaire. But that's just my opinion and I'll quit my biased rambling.

Suffice it to say that while my first sentence was perhaps more interesting than most, it does not fit my personality in the least, at least for right now. The day I become a money-grubbing corporation owner is the day George W. Bush gets accepted into Mensa. But then again, stranger things have been known to happen, and my first sentence just hints towards the karma of it all......