Thank God it's the National Day of Silence, because right now, my head needs it.

Last night, being my birthday, I went out drinking with some friends. God, I'm not getting drunk again. I always say that, but I think I mean it. I'm not sick, but I have the worst headache. Worse yet, I sang karaoke. There's no way I would ever do that sober...

Worse--I saw a friend of mine at the bar; I haven't seen her for months, and wondered why. She said she doesn't come around anymore since she was raped. I was shocked. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." "No, of course you didn't," she said. If I ever find the guy, if we ever find him (there's a whole group of us) will beat him within an inch of his life. Not kill him--that would be too nice. Make him suffer.