The Department of Homeland Security has spoken! America's most dangerous, deadly domestic terrorist threat has been identified. They are . . . eco-terrorists and animal rights activists.


Granted, I think Earth First and the Animal Liberation Front a bunch of brainless cranks. Yes, the environment is in danger. Yes, animals deserve to be treated decently. But i have friends who remain alive today because of treatments and animal derived products. Do you know any insulin diabetics? Well the ALF wants them dead. And while I agree that forests need preserved spiking trees won't do it. They are the morons conservatives use to paint the entire left in fanatic's clothing. If any of them are reading I'd like to remind them that their antics do far more to hurt their goals than help. Do you think anyone is alerted to the plight of the lab rat after a raid? Most people think only of the destruction when they finish shaking their heads. They're political stunts are so ridiculous as to amount to political masturbation, because the only thing they do is make themselves feel good.

On the other hand so far as I know their body count is . . . . Zero. Granted a few 'liberated' lab rats probably starved to death without their food pellets but so far as I know that doesn't rank with say, the bombing of the Murrah office building or the killing af liberal talk show host Allan Berg.

And of course the current Administration and Republican leaders really don't care about the bombings of abortion clinics or the murder of Doctors who perform safe, legal abortions. Apparently none of those people who have actually killed human beings is so big a threat as a bunch of cranks who free chicken. God help us if a bunch of roosters get loose in the general population.

But then you see neo-Nazis, and ultra-fundamentalists are Republican voters. And they primarily threaten Government bureaucrats and liberals, a class of people most conservatives wish would either go away or die. Apparently our lives have less value than a bunch of lumber. But then we're not rich folk who are major givers to K-Street Republicans.

Let's make it plain, conservatives are not committed to democracy. They don't care a hoot about it. They've helped overthrow popular elected leaders in Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954) Chile (1973) and tried pretty darned hard in Venezuela (2004). In each case the popularly elected leader did something that potentially threatened the interests of U.S. businessmen. You see, for a conservative today, when democracy collides with money, democracy loses.

Perhaps we can sleep a little easier knowing that the Justice Department will be targeting all those nasty tree-huggers. After all, the Klan has been harassed long enough.