I'm VgameT.
I really need to stop hitting myself.
You could call me a gentleman's gentleman, but you'd be wrong on both counts.
My writeups are several years old and embarassing, but I don't care enough to rewrite any of them, so just don't read them at all. Thanks.
- user since
- Wed Aug 1 2001 at 03:32:29 (23.7 years ago )
- last seen
- Thu Jun 6 2013 at 05:01:48 (11.8 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 9 - View VgameT's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 0 (Initiate) / 87
- C!s spent
- 1
- mission drive within everything
- Soboj ostat'sya dol'she.
- specialties
- Bemani
- school/company
- motto
- Nani mo fuan janai.
- most recent writeup
- Magic: The Gathering
- Send private message to VgameT
User Bookmarks:
- "Don't die to go to heaven, start in on Doctor Pepper and end up on whiskey!!"
- "It could use a space ship," said the angel (idea)
- (prayer for the departed) (idea)
- 3:24 AM and drinking alone (idea)
- 5am in the middle of a wasted summer (idea)
- 79 Hit! Marvelous!
- A classic Zen tale
- A little child could never kill this clean
- A Man's Salad (thing)
- A thousand years from now, we should have coffee and tell stories while the world disintegrates
- absorbing your mind into an object. safer. (thing)
- Ack! Do not cook this! I am just noding this in a state of shock!
- Ack! Summer is almost over and I forgot to shave the cat!
- Agh! The rumors of the Daystar are true!
- aikido (idea)
- An admin password for the universe (fiction)
- An ease of form
- And the things you can't remember tell the things you can't forget (person)
- angel
- Aperture (idea)
- Are you forever, little one (person)
- Around nine PM my heart was breaking so I went to bed early to listen to it happen. (thing)
- Arthur Dent's Eulogy for Douglas Adams
- August 19, 2005 (idea)
- Aut doce, aut disce, aut discede
- Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must in time be utterly lost (idea)
- Beauty of a thunderstorm (idea)
- Because I've never been able to make anything beautiful (person)
- Berne's feminist graffiti (idea)
- Bitches with glitches (idea)
- black zombie
- Blow up a building with a sack of flour and two rounds of ammunition
- Brainfuck
- Burton High School Slang (thing)
- Butyraceous
- Calculate your ecological footprint (idea)
- calculating how much money you are making while pooping
- Catharsis and Fugue in D Minus
- Charles Bukowski
- Cheers, my lips have frozen but hemlock goes down easy (person)
- Child suspended for wearing Pepsi shirt on Coke Day
- Choose a star with me
- Climb up on the Moon? Of course we did.
- Commit to paper the chances I've missed, the girls I've loved, the dogs I've kissed
- CRUNK!!!
- Damn everything but the circus!
- Dancing, you sparkle. You are what happens when music makes love with light.
- Dawn Cherry's Sports Grill
- Dead people I have known (idea)
- Dear sons and daughters of hungry ghosts
- Death Poem of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
- December 21, 2005 (idea)
- December 23, 2005 (thing)
- Declaration of War on Sobriety (thing)
- Designing a web site (idea)
- Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando
- Dialogues you can use to draw attention to your muscular arms (how-to)
- Dissed by a five-year-old
- Do not take advice from someone named after a reentry vehicle (place)
- Do you remember how small your body was when you were five? (person)
- Don't ask don't tell (idea)
- Doppler Sex (idea)
- double-double (thing)
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little otter, a sexy little otter! (person)
- each flake a cold kiss she brushes off
- Ed stories
- Elephant jokes (idea)
- Every shiny fish is floating, floating, and every dark fish is at the bottom, at the bottom of the sea
- Everything women respond to Webster 1913
- Everything you just read is bullshit
- Everything2 Easter Eggs
- Examples of the inadequacy of the English Language (fiction)
- exceedingly subtle sarcasm
- Final tape recording in the cockpit of the space-ship (thing)
- Fingerfucking your best friend
- For Webster 1913, whenever I may find him (idea)
- Free, Standing
- Freudian slips at the ice skating rink
- Girls and the theory of the last man packed
- God won't take the time to sort your ashes from mine (idea)
- Guns don't kill people. Robots kill people. (idea)
- Happy Birthday From Planet Motherfucker
- Haunting Chikamatsu
- Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel no compulsion to get up from the table
- He dreams between yesterdays, Cliff’s Hand Bag and Fade away blue (person)
- Hello broken thing, may I sketch your smash pattern?
- Her innocence fell. She kicked at it some, frowned, and left it there because it was beautiful. (person)
- Here's to the dream on the back of your hand
- How did I get here, Sarah?
- How to insult someone using calculus
- How to say "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me"
- How to screw with people's heads at the mall
- HOWTO: Build a lasting peace in the Middle East (idea)
- I admit confusion. Sometimes it causes my head to ache. Let's not even get into the heart.
- I am clothed when other people go almost naked through the frozen cities in winter (idea)
- I am forced to smoke my cat
- I am forced to smoke my cat (idea)
- I am thankful for the ocean eyes of Shaymus (person)
- I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General
- I appreciate your concern for others, but I need to get all my ducks in a row first.
- I can think of worse things than to die like a dog
- I carry this bullet with me every day
- I don't have any secrets. Now ask me if I have any lies.
- I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility (fiction)
- I know the last digit of pi and I'm not telling (idea)
- I like my cat (idea)
- I listened to the rain and the Atlantic, and I felt safe
- I may dream in technicolor, but I trip the fuck out in old-school black and white
- I must die or be better (idea)
- I need these blue and black halos for comfort, to remind me where I am, who I am, when I am
- I never seek shelter, just wait for the storm (idea)
- I paved paradise, and put up this, like, bigass parking lot
- I pick up countries and scatter them down
- I played solitaire for a year for the chance to use one line
- I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by bad poetry
- I suggest you dance. If you need a reason, I'm sorry.
- I waited under your streetlight like a hoodlum; like a moth (person)
- I was a teenage Overlord
- I will love them all when everyone else is long gone
- I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday
- I'll tell you what kind of guy I was
- I'm no fucking Buddhist, but this is Enlightenment. (idea)
- I'm out; I'm free. Down here the night air is purple. What do I do with it all?
- Ice Cream Koan
- If I'd have shot her when I met her, I'd be out of jail by now.
- If Satan is the prince of darkness, then who is the king?
- Ikkyu
- Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator (thing)
- Imperiwigged
- In this place, in this room, in this moment
- Inefficient hello world programs (thing)
- Insulting softlinks
- Interstellar Scrotum
- Introduction to logic (idea)
- It feels like fingernails across the moon. Or do you rub your wings together?
- It is of utmost importance that you prowl through the darkness, devouring lost children
- It makes lots of sense to me. Unfortunately, that's what hurts the most. (idea)
- It's 2 in the morning and I own the world
- It's not my fault that I'm so evil
- kill -9 dueling
- Kill time before it kills you
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Leave him in an empty room with a tape recorder
- like a crumpled origami mistake (idea)
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of ninja. (person)
- Making Rage Against The Machine guitar noises with your mouth is the best form of political protest
- Morihei Ueshiba
- Mountain Biking in Los Gatos (thing)
- Mr. Clean will clean up everything you hold dear, leaving you crying, sanitized and utterly alone (place)
- my blood approves, and kisses are a better fate than wisdom (person)
- My fingers flow over a keyboard, but words jumble at my teeth (idea)
- My new way to get there
- My soul is so viscous, I fear it may never pour out
- N0b0dY
- Nobody Goes to Earth Anymore
- NODE OR DIE! Can you do any less? (thing)
- Nothing is poison. Everything is poison. (fiction)
- November 23, 2002 (idea)
- November 3, 2004 (idea)
- Now I am become grey, the creator of worlds
- on the beach, after those midnight beasts came and went, I chose the sea
- On two concert, I'm shootive collective photo but small, fat, bald headed technologist be insane
- Payback's a bitch! (idea)
- pocket full of quarters (idea)
- Potential dad licks my eyeball (idea)
- Power Of Two
- Pretend you're not dying inside (idea)
- Programming for a drug dealer
- Public service commercials that accidentally make you an asshole (idea)
- Raging silently in my mind.. this sky is ready to burst
- random chaos is the sweetest part of living (person)
- Removing glasses offers a window into the world of ghosts
- Rend not my heart for naming of my Christ (person)
- Repeat until dead (idea)
- Repetition of common words and phrases makes excellent postmodern poetry (idea)
- Ripping off soda machines (idea)
- Robot is to follow the sun
- Run like you are six
- Sensei, we've got another lesbian stuck in the goddamn shredder
- She was cilantro, jalapeño, habanero. She was the hot plate you must not touch. (person)
- She wasn't connected to the earth the way the rest of us are
- Shíshì shishì Shi Shì, shì shi, shì shí shí shi
- Snakes on a Plane
- So this one-legged man walks into a bar (person)
- So you wanna be a hacker
- soar winner
- Soliciting homosexual intercourse in the stalls of public bathrooms
- Some particles just shouldn't be accelerated (essay)
- Some vampires actually get pissed when you tell them to Have A Nice Day (idea)
- Someone outlined against the sky, the sun too bright to see her face
- Something, Nothing : For My Father
- sometimes, people are more than just OK
- spider camp (place)
- Standing on a mountaintop in northern Siberia under the rapidly descending bulk of asteroid McAlmont, with a calculating expression and a baseball bat
- Stanford Prison experiment
- Student #478993320 went on a shooting rampage today
- Stupid movie reviews are killing people (idea)
- Such pretty white points. So sharp.
- Take only photos, leave only footprints
- Thanksgiving, suicide, and the breakdown of an already dysfunctional family (idea)
- That's it. I quit team sanity.
- The annoying orange orb outside my window each morning
- The Bear FAQ (idea)
- The boy who spoke with the sky
- The bullets inside are very hot. Why do I feel so cold?
- The city. So many lights you can actually pretend one of them's shining on you.
- The Corners Hold No Magic (idea)
- The Evil Overlord list
- The first snow in 25 years (thing)
- The good guys and the bad guys were on the back of the boat and I swear I only turned my back for a MINUTE but when I came back, they'd killed Mozart.
- The hot girls from cold countries have scars you're not supposed to see (person)
- The Last Days of Captain Newton (person)
- The lonely ones will find each other by the heat of their bodies (idea)
- The Madame Does Not Allow Survivors
- The mud pit, the last night we were all college students together
- The night your father was stabbed in the back room of a convenience store. No mercy.
- The only thing stopping us is the pressure. If your machine can withstand it, we are already on our way.
- The Pizza Chronicles
- The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar
- The Robot
- The Short Happy Life of an Alpha Puppy (fiction)
- The siren has the voice of a child
- The Super Dictionary
- The Tale of Sweet Cab-ij and all that Happened to Her (idea)
- The terrorists have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald's!
- The Three Men I Admired Most: Manhattan, 9/11/01
- The United States should go to war with everyone (idea)
- The world breaks everyone
- The world breaks everyone (idea)
- The world is warm and likes having us in it
- There is not much new to say about snow, or about broken love
- There were people on the Titanic who waved away the dessert trolley
- Things to do, if you are hard-core
- Think of us as a lost (idea)
- This little light of mine
- This must be the night when I remember how to fly, when the breeze catches my weight at last
- This ocean is angry but I might live through it
- throw yourself into a memory as if it were air, as if it will save you
- Time Cube proves true, Gene Ray wins Nobel Prize for physics (idea)
- To Whom It May Concern (idea)
- Tripping while trying to sneakily check out pretty girls (idea)
- Two immortals discussing life and death (idea)
- Uberman's Sleep Schedule
- Unbendable arm
- Unfold to read schedule
- Using the closest available aerosol product as bug spray (personal)
- Using the postal service to fight The Man and sell drugs is only good in theory
- Very high LSD dose account
- Warning to travellers from an Arab gentleman (idea)
- We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death
- We dropped the globe, denting an already troubled Africa (idea)
- We have always lived in the castle, Shirley (place)
- We were all waiting to hear those words (and no one ever said them) (thing)
- we will rise to meet the dead
- Webster 1913 is a fake (person)
- Welcome to our Modern World, please find yourself a corner. (essay)
- Welcome to role playing game (idea)
- What do you leave behind?
- What doesn't take a million years takes a millionth of a second (fiction)
- What guys do with their penis (idea)
- What I learned from the skateboarders outside my window
- Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it
- When being chased by CIA trainees, don't mention Belgium to the waffle house physicist
- When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
- When having sex in Poland
- When I'm long dead, the bee will win
- When shall I be free? (idea)
- When the Ocean existed outside of encyclopedias
- When you're finished struggling... are you free tonight?
- why don't poets kill each other anymore?
- Why I torched the crack house (idea)
- Why the regionally acclaimed 12-year-old composer never wrote music again (idea)
- Why there is no moloch13
- Yossarian's School of Badassary
- You are not special. You will die here, too.
- You are not special. You will die here, too. (idea)
- You know my history in fragments and I know your life in sketches (idea)
- You sleep with someone for a couple of years, you get to know them by feel (idea)
- You wake up slowly when you're a mile underground
- you want to use blood; i say we use devotion (place)
- You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! (idea)
- You, a human being. I, a robot. (person)
- You're dripping liquid sex into my Cherry Coke
- Your Ending Here (idea)