

Another bright day. Hopefully, IT won't repeat itself next year. =/

Last night I got Jabber client (Gabber). It seems cool. Just that today it only seems to say "Disconnected. Reconnecting..." all the time. <AOL>now its broken and i cant confirm my user name. wwwwolf@jabber.com???</AOL>

I have some Ideas, but those need to be wait until later today - "Now, I'm reading Usenet."


From fuckedcompany.com front page:

fc iz Öwn3d b¥ tha idealab krÜ3
~~~~ becauz ur lame!!!!! olololoolol~
HACK THE PLASNNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 1st joke and the site hasn't been updated yet, but... ::weaksmile::


nighthowl:~$ uname -a
Linux nighthowl 2.4.3 #1 ma huhti  2 17:57:16 EEST 2001 i686 unknown

New today? IPTables instead of ipchains. Took a while to convert the ipchains script to use iptables... The final bug™ was that the target names had to be capitalized. =)

I might publish the script, but then again, it's not much different from most of the scripts found in the intttter nett...


Again, it's a wonder if this connection can move a Byte over the network. =( =(


Other day logs o' mine...

Noded today by y.t.: Make Make PointCast push
