(For thy browsing pleasure: <-- Day --> | <-- Dream --> | Wolf's Dreamworld )

I was playing Steel Panthers: World at War.

At one point, I proposed a change to the game, and I saw it in its full glory: The game was moved into a real forest, with the battles fought with very realistic, computer-controlled miniatures. All tanks and vehicles looked extremely real in the forest, just that they were really small. The battle really looked very realistic with all correct sounds and such.

The battle was set in Kuhmo. It was like a summer version of the "Frozen Hell -39" scenario from the Winter War - Finns ambushed a bunch of Russians on a road.

The scenario also had a harbor in which a bunch of Russian ships were in a queue of some sort. One of my ships turned toward a Russian ship and fired a torpedo - it missed. Someone commented that in the real battle, the torpedo had hit the ship in front of the ship I was aiming at (they even told the name) and the ship had sunk very quickly.

I unloaded a freight train car from one of my ships to the beach - it was made of plastic, so I pushed the car deeper to the sand so it looked as if a heavy train car had been hastily unloaded on wet sand - and loaded something in it. I moved the train car a bit, and unloaded the thing from it. I considered that operation fairly successful.

However, the freight car fell over, and some of the wet sand went into it. I thought it would be tricky to wash that wet sand from it, but then I thought it was only realistic.

The rest of the dream also had other parts of the war, but this time it involved a time gate of some sort through which some things were moved - it was part of every scenario... I can't remember the rest.