
I woke up too late, this time with nothing special...

Reason for too much sleep? Hmm... I translated the quote from Prokhor Zakharov (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) to Russian. I bet the quote is still full of bugs. =)

Should develop the language ear...

Nodeball shall be soon ready. (We hope.)

Okay, time to face the challenges of day...


A headline in newspapers: "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? shows: Finns are the stupidest of Europe."

Didn't read the article, because it sounds too silly... the game is based on knowledge, not actual intelligence - there's a certain difference between intelligence and wisdom. "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is." =)

Every moron who can memorize an encyclopedia can win the million. =)


Hacked Vocoditor a bit further. Now it has error dialogs. Woohoo. =)

Since Mozilla seems to be having some problems, here's one thing I've noticed: E2 is damn hard to use on "alternative browsers". On lynx, it sort of works. On Emacs W3, it doesn't work at all. =(

"Everything Lite" theme, anyone?

Oh, almost forgot. Someone in /. whined that a Nov13 writeup had misinformation so obviously whole E2 sucks - the piece of misinformation had been there for over year, and that's Bad. Way to go. I brought this matter to general attention in chatterbox, and about 5 minutes later the writeup was gone. (It was at -4 anyway.) See? We believe in quality!

(Still no navigation... =( )