A rather simple drinking game for as many players as you can fit around the table.

All you do is go round the table one at a time, each person saying they have never done something. Anyone who HAS actually done that thing must take a drink.

Easy Huh?

Deadly more like. It's less a drinking game and more a 'getting to know you'/'find out your sexual secrets' theme night.

The problems start as the drink kicks in, you commence with something such as

"I have never got so drunk I didn't make it home"
You continue with the likes of
"I have never had sex in a library"
Which quickly degrades to
"I have never had anal sex"
And finally you start to get real personal with such classics as
"I have never cheated on my girlfriend with her sister"
Then the direct approach steps into play
"I have never had sex with Brian, the guy behind the bar here, whilst still going out with my current boyfriend, you bitch!"

Fun, but don't play it with people you know and want to keep knowing. Once one personal jibe is made the whole charade simply explodes in a flurry of getting your own back.