The real trick here is to not just understand the gains of technology but rather looking back to ancient medicinal remedies instead of short to long term pharmaceutical care.
It is certainly obvious that technology has improved our way of life in some areas as well as aiding in extending our lives but extending our lives is really not the answer. I would rather die at 70 and be a happy 70 year old than die at 105 and be blind deaf and a para.
Saige is correct in saying our DNA doesn't support this. We are programmed to die, either via apoptosis (preprogrammed cell death)or via our oncogenes. Our cells are not only able to kill us via tumors, but they are even able to defend themselves against drugs and against genetic engineering so far. Combine that with our natural proteins which get turned on to increase hormones which kill us, and you have a body that wants to die. Technology will be able to "keep us alive" but how about "living?" Not sure if that is what one could call it.
Even the human genome project is just the tip of the iceburg. Think about it, the genes have been identified, but how do they work together? It is not a one to one, gene to protein relationship. Thirty genes could design a protein;who knows what all the combinations are. It will take a very long time before we know it all and technology simply will not be there to keep us happy, living, without molecular biology and biotechnology by its side.
Until then I think I would rather just die at a ripe old age with my health relatively intact, able to control my own washroom trips, and have sex at least once a week. Living in a bubble just to wait for the next cool technology that promises the fountain of youth is just not my deal.
An Honest Good Luck to those that want to try!