There's a new girl at the Home who can stuff the weather into her pockets, but only one at a time.

When Natalie was little, she tucked a sunny day into her pocket, and the sky went gloomy. After, she collected some clouds and the sunny day sprang back into the air, filling the place where the clouds had been. Another time, she plucked a full moon out of a clear night, and when she snagged some rain later on, the moon was pushed into the day, and everyone around her marveled at the eclipse.

The weather she steals doesn't reach far-- nobody outside her neighborhood noticed the eclipse, for instance-- except for the one time it did.

Once, there was a hurricane that ruined cities by the coast and threatened to tear her town apart. While her neighbors packed for evacuation, Natalie reached for the storm, and yanked. Unlike other weather, the storm fought back. She pulled and when it finally gathered in her hands, she shoved it into her pocket like caging a wild animal.

The sky cleared instantly, replaced by the windless fog she'd been saving.

For once, people outside her neighborhood noticed the change. For once, she had grabbed other people's weather. The newspaper called it a phenomenon. Her grandmother called it a miracle.

Not long after, a doorway appeared in the middle of the yard, and a woman from the Home stepped out.

"That's a pretty big storm in your pocket," she said. "D'you know where you're going to let it out?"

No; Natalie had been worrying about that all day.

The woman tapped the doorway, which now revealed an open ocean.

"Let's get rid of that storm first, then I'll go talk with your family."