I think my day really started at 3:33 am. I remember that time, because it was the number I stared at as I slowly realized I had been rolling around for 4 hours. The sun has been up for a while now, I still am not tired so I mine as well drink a cup of coffee and wait until tonight.

The night before last night was...strange and possibly had something to do with this insomnia. That night I really didn't feel like any bullshit so I took a fair amount of benadryl, more than reccomended but not enough to hallucinate or anything crazy like that...I just wanted to sleep. After an hour it seemed like everything was in slow motion and I felt pretty good so I took some more...a bunch more (stupid, but I wasn't thinking clearly). Within another hour and I was extremely confused and drowsy so I tried going to bed. I kept wandering off, doing things like getting a drink of water or watching tv, only to realise I had just been laying on the bed the whole time (like a daydream I thought was real).
Then things got really weird. I heard an airplane flying along (which is pretty normal) but then I heard a low whistling sound that got lower and lower and I believed it to be the sound of the airplane falling out of the sky. Crash! Ok, that wasn't real, but it shocked me because it sounded completely realistic. Then I heard bees flying around my ears, getting louder and louder; And people whispering. I didn't dare open my eyes for fear of what I might see in the dark. Somehow I did manage to fall asleep and actually slept a solid 8 hours. But I wouldn't do it again.