I know I trust him. I have no reason not to trust him. Everytime he tells me something, I believe him because I have no reason not to believe him. He has never lied to me(that I know of), and everytime I'm with him, I'm as happy as can be.
So why am I having these dreams?
Every night I have nightmares. No, night terrors!
I've dreamed that
he's lied to me about how
he feels about me.
I've dreamed that he's lied about wanting me to be a part of his
future and wanting to
stay with me forever. I've dreamed that he's lied about his dreams and
aspirations. I've dreamed that
he's lied to me about
everything he's ever told me.
I wake up crying or screaming every night.
Is my subconcious trying to tell me something?
Am I just paranoid?