So supposedly (HUGE emphasis on the word "supposedly") two guys in Georgia, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer (their claim supported being supported by Bigfoot researcher Tom Biscardi) have found - and frozen almost completely intact - a bonafide Bigfoot body. Supposedly (again, real emphasis there) it is being studied and DNA testing is currently being done on it. There will be a press conference this friday - August 15, 2008 - from noon to 1PM (not sure of time zone) in Palo Alto, California to "break the big news" as it were. And also supposedly this is where an autopsy will be performed and it'll probably be a big media event. Maybe a Fox special or something (remember Alien Autopsy??) but who knows? There will be veterinarians and coronors, maybe anthropologists - the whole bit - attending this thing.

Dr. Michael Lynch from Paravisions - a paranormal investigator here in St. Louis, Missouri - has been following this case the past few weeks and reporting on a local drive-time radio program on Tuesdays. He says that the reason this isn't huge news yet is that before it's officially broken wide open they want to make sure of what they have. So you heard it here first. Or maybe second.

Sure this could still be a hoax. But given the fact that a press conference is already scheduled, and the photos here look pretty convincing (, this could finally be it. Bigfoot could finally be confirmed real.

Here, it is starting to get more attention: