I do not give a rat's ass that BP CEO Tony Hayward said "I want my life back."

Or a shit. Or a monkey's left fart.

So he was honest, said what was on his mind. What the fuck is the big deal? Everybody's selfish. Nobody, 100% of the time, has entire scope of a problem right there in the front of their minds. We're all mostly, most of the time, concerned with our own lives, how each predicament will affect us personally.

If I were him I might say something like that. And anybody saying they would never say anything like that, that all they're thinking about is the environment and how screwed up the lives of all the animals and other people down there are because of it, is lying. And this includes all the people right now bitching about how insensitive he was for saying it. I'd bet good money, if it could be proven, that every single one of them is a hypocrite, only interested in crucifying the most visible scapegoat for an audible gaffe.

Everybody whining about this is a waste of time, let's put more collective energy into actually trying to help solve the problem (if anybody can afford to put any energy toward that endeavor begin with). Regardless of how Mr. Hayward fell into the whole chain of events leading up to the Gulf oil disaster, of how numerous and how big his own personal fuck-ups lead to it, he's apparently spending most of his time, every day, trying to fix the problem. And I'm not defending him, I'll be the first to tell you that that effort is just one big epic fail after another. What I'm defending here is honesty. Yes, this man for the forseeable future has nothing else in his life but a metric fuckton of oil in the ocean and and eleventy assloads of incompetence. If he has a wife and/or kids he's probably not seeing them much. What he meant when he said "I want my life back" is "OK I'm down here every fucking day and my life sucks because of it right now so yes, even though I want it over for different reasons than that oil-covered duck over there, I do want it over, and as fast as fucking possible, so I'm doing everything I can possibly do to make this thing go away."

But it turns into one giganto "GOTCHA!" and everybody's all up in arms because nobody can ever be honest about anything they fucking say any more and most of the time you can never say what's really on your mind because the wrong people might hear it and make a big goddamn deal about it even though, more or less, everybody is just as selfish as the next person and is always thinking things that might piss somebody off. Now, especially in today's age with cameras everywhere and Facebook and Twitter Myspacethat other site nobody uses anymore, and blogs and bloggers, it's not just celebrities that have to worry about this shit anymore. So now we all have to mince our words, watch every little thing we say, and lie, spin, lie, spin, lie.

Can we just please have a happy medium between this world we live in now and the fictional, ultra-honest world depicted in The Invention of Lying?