As of version 3.2, the Unicode standard has 66 semantically distinct varients of the Latin letter Z. They are enumerated below, separated by code block

Number of characters added in each version of the Unicode standard :
Unicode 1.1 : 38
Unicode 3.0 : 2
Unicode 3.2 : 26

Number of characters in each General Category :

Letter, Uppercase          Lu : 25
Letter, Lowercase          Ll : 29
Letter, Titlecase          Lt :  2
Symbol, Other              So :  8
Other, Format              Cf :  2

The columns below should be interpreted as :

  1. The Unicode code for the character
  2. The character in question
  3. The Unicode name for the character
  4. The Unicode General Category for the character
  5. The Unicode version when this character was added
  6. (The SGML entities if any)

If the characters below show up poorly, or not at all, see Unicode Support for possible solutions.


Basic Latin

U+005A  Z  Latin capital letter z  Lu  1.1
U+007A  z  Latin small letter z  Ll  1.1


Latin Extended A

     European Latin
U+0179  Ź  Latin capital letter z with acute  Lu  1.1  (Ź)
U+017A  ź  Latin small letter z with acute  Ll  1.1  (ź)
U+017B  Ż  Latin capital letter z with dot above  Lu  1.1  (Ż)
U+017C  ż  Latin small letter z with dot above  Ll  1.1  (ż)
U+017D  Ž  Latin capital letter z with caron  Lu  1.1  (Ž)
U+017E  ž  Latin small letter z with caron  Ll  1.1  (ž)


Latin Extended B

     Latin extended-B
U+01B5  Ƶ  Latin capital letter z with stroke  Lu  1.1
U+01B6  ƶ  Latin small letter z with stroke  Ll  1.1

     Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters
U+01C4  DŽ  Latin capital letter dz with caron  Lu  1.1
U+01C5  Dž  Latin capital letter d with small letter z with caron  Lt  1.1
U+01C6  dž  Latin small letter dz with caron  Ll  1.1

U+01F1  DZ  Latin capital letter dz  Lu  1.1
U+01F2  Dz  Latin capital letter d with small letter z  Lt  1.1
U+01F3  dz  Latin small letter dz  Ll  1.1

     Miscellaneous additions
U+0224  Ȥ  Latin capital letter z with hook  Lu  3.0
U+0225  ȥ  Latin small letter z with hook  Ll  3.0


IPA Extensions

     IPA extensions
U+0290  ʐ  Latin small letter z with retroflex hook  Ll  1.1
U+0291  ʑ  Latin small letter z with curl  Ll  1.1
U+02A3  ʣ  Latin small letter dz digraph  Ll  1.1
U+02A5  ʥ  Latin small letter dz digraph with curl  Ll  1.1


Latin Extended Additional

     Latin general use extensions
U+1E90    Latin capital letter z with circumflex  Lu  1.1
U+1E91    Latin small letter z with circumflex  Ll  1.1
U+1E92    Latin capital letter z with dot below  Lu  1.1
U+1E93    Latin small letter z with dot below  Ll  1.1
U+1E94    Latin capital letter z with line below  Lu  1.1
U+1E95    Latin small letter z with line below  Ll  1.1


Letterlike Symbols

     Letterlike symbols
U+2124    double struck capital z  Lu  1.1  (ℨ ℤ)
U+2128    black letter capital z  Lu  1.1  (ℨ)


Enclosed Alphanumerics

     Parenthesized Latin letters
U+24B5    parenthesized Latin small letter z  So  1.1

     Circled Latin letters
U+24CF    circled Latin capital letter z  So  1.1
U+24E9    circled Latin small letter z  So  1.1


CJK Compatibility

     Squared Latin abbreviations
U+3390    square hz  So  1.1
U+3391    square khz  So  1.1
U+3392    square mhz  So  1.1
U+3393    square ghz  So  1.1
U+3394    square thz  So  1.1


Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms

     Fullwidth ASCII variants
U+FF3A    fullwidth Latin capital letter z  Lu  1.1
U+FF5A    fullwidth Latin small letter z  Ll  1.1


Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols

     Bold symbols
U+1D419  𝐙  mathematical bold capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D433  𝐳  mathematical bold small z  Ll  3.2

     Italic symbols
U+1D44D  𝑍  mathematical italic capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D467  𝑧  mathematical italic small z  Ll  3.2

     Bold italic symbols
U+1D481  𝒁  mathematical bold italic capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D49B  𝒛  mathematical bold italic small z  Ll  3.2

     Script symbols
U+1D4B5  𝒵  mathematical script capital z  Lu  3.2  (𝒵)
U+1D4CF  𝓏  mathematical script small z  Ll  3.2  (𝓏)

     Bold script symbols
U+1D4E9  𝓩  mathematical bold script capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D503  𝔃  mathematical bold script small z  Ll  3.2

     Fraktur symbols
U+1D537  𝔷  mathematical fraktur small z  Ll  3.2  (𝔷)

     Double-struck symbols
U+1D56B  𝕫  mathematical double struck small z  Ll  3.2

     Bold Fraktur symbols
U+1D585  𝖅  mathematical bold fraktur capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D59F  𝖟  mathematical bold fraktur small z  Ll  3.2

     Sans-serif symbols
U+1D5B9  𝖹  mathematical sans serif capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D5D3  𝗓  mathematical sans serif small z  Ll  3.2

     Sans-serif bold symbols
U+1D5ED  𝗭  mathematical sans serif bold capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D607  𝘇  mathematical sans serif bold small z  Ll  3.2

     Sans-serif italic symbols
U+1D621  𝘡  mathematical sans serif italic capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D63B  𝘻  mathematical sans serif italic small z  Ll  3.2

     Sans-serif bold italic symbols
U+1D655  𝙕  mathematical sans serif bold italic capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D66F  𝙯  mathematical sans serif bold italic small z  Ll  3.2

     Monospace symbols
U+1D689  𝚉  mathematical monospace capital z  Lu  3.2
U+1D6A3  𝚣  mathematical monospace small z  Ll  3.2



     Tag components
U+E005A  󠁚  tag Latin capital letter z  Cf  3.2
U+E007A  󠁺  tag Latin small letter z  Cf  3.2