Infamous Porn Star, AKA Dianne Stewart. Born on March 25th, 1973. At the tender age of 16, Alexandra left her home in Ontario Canada for Los Angeles, and shot her first film with Video Exclusives, now Leisure Time Entertainment. After making almost 60 films as a minor, she was found out in 1991, and Adult Film distributors were forced to destroy all known copies of her underage material.

Unlike her American counterpart Traci Lords, Alexandra was unable to capitalize on the press she got for being an underage porn star. In an interview for Hard Copy, she bad-mouthed the porn industry, a move that ended up getting her blacklisted from making further movies. She was also struggling with a daily drug habit of mostly marijuana that lasted for 8 years before she checked into a 12-step program.

In 1999, after two failed independant ventures on the web, Alexandra went to work as a porn cam girl for a streaming webcam content provider.

Alexandra did, and still does, a lot more nasty stuff than Traci.