The Diverse Sexuality And Gender Alliance is the Johns Hopkins University's token gay student group. It is well known and respected among the gay community, since they aren't just operating with your typically experimental, open minded college students, but Hopkins students, who are stereotyped as not only notoriously apathetic, but also tend towards the young republican-y.

In fact, Hopkins is much more diverse, and DSAGA events are some of the most popular on campus. While being as susceptible as any group to political infighting, DSAGA diplomatically makes no claims on the sexuality of its members - you can be as gay as gathering buds in may, or straight but not narrow - it's all the same to them as long as you're interested. Look for DSAGA members in HOPSFA, the Barnstormers, and Coffee Grounds. Look out for rainbow chalk during Awareness Days. Don't miss the large turnout of frat-boys in dresses on drag night at E-level.