After last month, it seems as if everything is sleeping the night away until something happens.

Let the stress fall as it may. You say ti backwards, curses sphening blessed tears, against the night.

Let the mess crawl, as you say.

There was a sign change, somewhere. 

I have been. Somehow, I still am. I trust the same can be said of us all in the future?

These past few nights I have been reading a weird book. Or rather a book of weird stories. I'll have to tell you about it, later.

Suffice it to say that the book is not affecting my dreams as much as I would have thought or can notice. Only the final bit of dream stuck with me upon waking today: I was reading a food blogger who I sometimes follow and noticed an error in their post. Except the error was not something typical of a blog but rather the sort specific to e2.

It happened three times. I pointed the error out to the cook verbally to the blogger, as she happened to be in the dreamspace with me, briefly. She thanked me and fixed the error. The image of the dish accompanying the post changed to show three sides of Ranch dressing in serving sizes which must have been about 8 oz, they were so tall. The link at the error was to the same thing, in triplicate. The first word linked was bromide, which I perceived as a complete image, not individual letters. I began to tell the blogger that I was going to simply /msg her but that since she was here now, where I was, that it was easier to tell her—at which point I woke up, before I could notice which words contained the broken links in the rest of the post.

The sky today is grey.

An old man later told a story how in the days of division, he would flip the signs on the water fountains when no body was watching.