The Artist's Date is a scheduled block of time set aside to nurture your creative side. It is a date with your inner artist (so that means just yourself... if someone else tags along, it's not an artist's date). The date involves an activity done for the benefit of your inner artist, so while dinner and a movie might be your thing, the date could be a solitary walk, a trip to a junkyard, a museum visit, a walk through a new neighborhood. The excursion does not have to be culturally edifying, as long as it is based on "an active pursuit of images to refresh our artistic reservoirs."

The date is one of two basic tools for connecting with your creativity, according to Julia Cameron, in her book, The Artist's Way. Cameron acknowledges and expects that there will be tremendous inner resistance to keeping these dates. She suggests signing a contract with yourself to commit to these dates once weekly for a minimum of twelve weeks.