Author: Kazuo Ishiguro
Publisher: Vintage
Date of publication: March 14, 2006
ISBN-10: 1400078776

Novel set in British countryside in an imaginary future. It is a quiet and calm description of a woman's recollections of her youth at a private boarding school. It is also, somewhat intentionally, a parable on bioethics. The dialogue is sparse and the story moves along at a very slow pace, as the reader is listening to a woman who is trying to recall details although her memory is clearly imperfect and her understanding of the events even less clear.

The author presents the entire experience in a detached, overly formal way, as if he is taking pains not to offend anyone or indicate a judgmental tone. The effect is a spooky, somewhat surreal experience as the reader is "let in" on the true purpose of the school and the students long before the narrator gives us the explanation.

I think it is an interesting book, because of the contrast between the tone of the narrator (calm and polite) and the subject matter (dark and hinting at sinister intent). It reminded me of songs that have light and airy music that accompany evil or dangerous lyrics.

Any symbolism about the fragility of existence and the hyper kinetic narcissism of adolescence is likely intended.

Coming soon to a big screen near you.

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