With the weight of the world
On your back
A billion voices crying out
To you
They are helpless
Just as you are
Much less a god
Much more a prisoner
Infinite power
No ability
Weary titan
Suspended in the stars
Labouring along
Your painful ellipse around
The sun
Apollo laughs at you
Keep your head down
Defeated deity
They need you no more
You've seen your brothers
And sisters
And defiled
Atlas, oh how you
Bear it all
The weight of the world
Upon your shoulders
Trudging through the
Empty temperatures of
And the empty hopes
Of time
Know this old god
You too will die
And when you do
The world will
Fall from its place
In the heavens
And the gods will die
And you will again have
Fate's favour
For now step forward
Through your torture
Be pain
Be labour
Be ignored
And know that
At the moment you finally
You truly are
Again the master of all things