Filipinas is the original Spanish poem that became the lyrics to the Philippine National Anthem. The poem was written by Jose Palma. Rafael Palma, Jose's brother would later say: "The spirit of his verses glowed with an optimistic faith in the future because it was the general belief that it would be impossible for the American forces to dominate the entire archipelago."

The lyrics were subsequently replaced by the English translation The Philippine Hymn, and then the Filipino one: Lupang Hinirang

       by Jose Palma

    Tierra adorada 
    Hija del sol de Oriente 
    Su fuego ardiente en ti latiendo esta. 
    Patria de amores! 
    Del heroismo cuna, 
    Los invasores 
    No te hallaran jamas. 

    En tu azul cielo, en tus auras, 
    En tus montes y en tu mar 
    Esplende y late el poema 
    De tu amada libertad. 
    Tu pabellon, que en las lides 
    La victoria ilumino 
    No vera nunca apagados 
    Sus estrellas y su sol. 

    Tierra de dichas, del sol y amores, 
    En tu regazo dulce es vivir. 
    Es una gloria para tus hijos, 
    Cuando de ofenden, por ti morir.