In the 1930's, the Englishman Gerald Gardner, borrowing from Jewish mysticism, ceremonial magic, folklore and history as well as a great deal of his own inventiveness, created what is now called Wicca. While many of the roots of this new faith were certainly ancient (stemming mainly from Pre-Christian Celtic and Teutonic belief systems), Wicca was largely Gardner's creation, and has gained widespread popularity in the ensuing decades. Wicca has a few basic teachings, though modern practioners have added to and integrated other beliefs into Wicca, these principles have remained the same.
  • There is no separation between the Creator and Creation - Thou art God.
  • All things are inextricably connected to one another - we each affect our Universe through our actions.
  • Sexuality and our bodies are sacred - unlike the dogma that some religions teach, sex is not negative or dirty, but rather quite beautiful and something to be embraced.
  • We are each connected to Deity (whichever you choose to acknowledge) - life force is life force is You is God.
  • Nature gives religious inspiration, thus Wicca is a Nature religion, one that accepts both the growths and deaths during the endless cycle of life. There is power in this understanding.
  • Every Wiccan is considered to be clergy - no middlemen here!
  • Magic is real, and we can all harness it. We are each magical beings.
  • Any action you commit, comes back to you threefold, both the good and the bad. We are each responsible for ourselves.

And Wicca is a lot more, especially since so much information is available to today's initiates. If You would choose to learn more, there are a number of valuable sites on the web, such as:
  • Witch, Wiccan and Pagan Webring -
  • Avatar Search, a great search engine of the purely metaphysical sort -

This is just a taste, maybe it's been informative.