A rock and roll play written by Sam Shepard in London while he was recovering from some serious drug abuse. It tells the story of Hoss a worn out old rocker (or killer) and Crow the new blood in town a changeling ready to steal what ever tricks he can to win the match. The major question of the play revolves around the paradox of the loss of self, in other words, can Hoss reinvent himself to get up to the times? It turns out that transformation is not possible for the hero except through death. The play is edgy, daring and features several rock songs interspersed with the action of the play, half naked crossing dressing cheerleaders and plenty of poetic violence. The play is young and distinctly American and filled with life, yet its plot draws on dramatic structure and stories of The Old vs. The new that date back to the time of the Greeks.

It was one of Shepard’s most successful works and helped bring him in to the public eye as one of the foremost dramatist of our century.

First production: Open Space Theatre, London, 17 July 1972 (directed by Charles Marowitz and Walter Donoshue; music composed by Shepard himself).