Track 9 of Paul Simon's 2000 album You're The One is a none-too-subtle allegory (a fable, if you will) about life, death, law enforcement, capital punishment, and the American criminal justice system. It's a story about a wolf who mistakenly ends up on the wrong side of the death penalty, set to a quietly catchy little tune. It's not nearly as heavy-handed as you might think based on the lyrics cited below, but I wanted to make it clear what the song was about and could only quote a few lines for copyright reasons.

Court-appointed lawyer wasn't very bright
Or maybe he was bright
Maybe he just had a late night
Yeah it was just a late night
And he files some feeble appeal
And the governor says forget it
It's a done deal
Election, I don't care, election
Let's give that wolf a lethal injection

Considering the timing of its release (during an election year when both U.S. Presidential candidates expressed a typical "tough on crime" stance and strong support of the death penalty), it doesn't seem too farfetched to read "Pigs, Sheep, and Wolves" as a gentle commentary on the society these institutions purport to serve.

All around the world
France, Scandinavia
There's candle light vigils
Protesting this behavior
It's animal behavior
Animal behavior
It's pigs, sheep and wolves
Pigs, sheep and wolves
It's animal behavior
It's pigs, sheep and wolves

Written and arranged by Paul Simon, "Pigs, Sheep, and Wolves" is primarily rhythmic spoken word with sung choruses and guitar, bass, and percussion accompaniment.

All italicized quotes taken from "Pigs, Sheep, and Wolves", copyright Paul Simon, You're The One, 2000. Full lyrics are freely available at