

Not including routine deletions by request.



My Sincere Apologies

I have been trying to spend more time helping noders by sending personal /msgs. Unfortunately, I suck at it. For this, I am truly sorry. Please keep in mind that even if my /msg says your writeup sucks golfballs through a garden hose, bears little resemblance to Standard English, and is factually wrong and morally repugnant, the fact that I sent it means I think your writing is interesting and that you are a cool person.


No, really!

Judgment v. Judgement

Based on what I can find on the net including but not limited to Webster 1913, these are variant spellings of the same word. U.S. style references unanimously prefer judgment, but I found one U.K. and one Canadian style guide which insisted upon judgement.

I thought (and I don't know where I got the idea) that these words refer to two different things: judgment is the result of judging (and thus would be the word to use in all legal matters) whereas judgement is the faculty of discernment or discretion. So one could say: "The judge exercised poor judgement in entering that judgment."

Is this a personal delusion or does it reflect real usage? Please /msg me if you find support for my theory.

Update: Gritchka has /msg'd me with additional support for the theory that I am suffering from self-conjured grammatical delusions. Now I'm scared.

Do as I say, not as I do

The damn-near-omniscient Pseudo_Intellectual busted me on a fact error in triclavianism. I thought it was a neologism, but he found a reference to use of the term in the 19th Century. I wouldn't feel so bad about that except he found the reference on the Internet, not some dusty old tome of dogmatics he found in a yard sale. Lesson learned: before announcing to the world that something is unique or new, it's probably a good idea to google a term and read all the results, at least those on the first page.