Forgive me. This will be my first and last rant.

Wanna know a secret? It's all shite. It's all shite because some people think that jokes are shite or facts are shite or nonesense is shite or diaries are shite or dreams are shite or lyrics are shite or quotes are shite or poems are shite or experiences are shite or your CD collection is shite or your books are shite or your religion is shite or your politics are shite or you are shite. And they're right. You suck.

We all suck.

And that's what I like the most about this database. There is something here to offend just about anybody. Fortunately, there is also something here to impress just about anybody and I love it. I love it all and I'm greedy for it. I want to be able to go to a node on swallows and learn about about their mating habits and then I want to read a quotation about swallows from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and then I want to find out that there's also really good band called "The Swallows" that nobody has ever heard of but you and then I want to hear about how Swallow used to be your nickname when you used to play soccer and then I want to hear about that time that you killed a swallow with your car and how it made you cry.

Who cares if sombody whips out a two-word writeup that scores higher than your labouriously researched node on the migrating patterns of wild geese. Is that how do you measure your own worth? XP (Money)? Popularity (Fame)? Do you honestly believe that an encyclopedia entry is worth more than a poem or a joke? Or less? You presume too much. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to write a poem; sometimes it takes less. It is all equally good and equally shite. Read the Myth of Sisyphus and realize this: Everything is like life, progress is an illusion and the journey is the goal.

So listen up, buttercup: Please stop telling me what Everything should be, because Everything is exactly what it should be, and that's just the way it is...

Now shut up and node.