"I think I want some pies this morning,"
Said Dick, stretching himself and yawning;
So down he threw his slate and books,
And sauntered to the pastry cook's.

And there he cast his greedy eyes
Round on the jellies and the pies,
So to select with anxious care
The very nicest that was there.

At last the point was well decided -
As his opinion was divided
'Twixt pie and jelly, being loth
Either to leave - he took them both.

Now Richard never could be pleased
To stop when hunger was appeased;
But would go on to eat still more
Though he had had an ample store.

"No, not another now," said Dick,
"Dear me! I feel extremely sick.
I cannot even eat this bit.
I wish - I - had not - tasted - it."

Then slowly rising from his seat
He threw his cheesecake in the street,
And left the tempting pastry-cook's
With very discontented looks.

Jane Taylor (1783-1824)