A Rock and Roll band from Atlanta, Georgia USA, Ultrababyfat (hereafter known as UBF) consists of core members Shonali Bhowmik and Michelle DuBois backed by an everchanging list of drummers and bassists. Perhaps the most well-known of these everchangers being Britta Phillips who, in addition to her UBF stint, also plays bass in the group Luna and provided the voice of the cartoon rock star "Gem."

Shonali and Michelle met as youngsters in Tennessee, and have been in a number of bands together.

UBF's latest release is Eight Balls in Reverse, on Orange Records. This disc is a couple of years old, though, so there should be a new one out soon. (Hopefully!)

Their music could be described as power pop, or grrl rock, as it has the melodicism of mid-period Cheap Trick and the attitude and snarl of early Liz Phair.

In addition to playing standard rock tours, UBF also supported comedian David Cross recently, as he recorded his live CD Shut up, you fucking baby!