Nelson is a superstitious series of numbers in cricket. That's cricket, as in the English gentlemen's sport played by hooligans. The one with the bat and ball. Kind of similar to baseball, but without the spitting, the silly rules and the chili dogs.

Briefly, Nelson in cricket is the number series 111, 222, 333 etc. More accurately, 111 is Nelson, 222 is Double Nelson, 333 Triple Nelson etc. A team is said to be on Nelson where their score is 111 or Double Nelson on 222 etc. Unlike baseball, the score in cricket can go really high as cricket games can last for 5 days. But the differences between cricket and baseball are large. Larger than the similarities.

So what is the relevance of Nelson? Well, some people believe that Nelson is unlucky. They believe that when a team is on Nelson, bad luck is imminent, and not only for the team in question, but for all the people involved in the game, and indeed for the entire Universe.

Why do they believe this? Some people (incorrectly) theorise that Nelson (111) refers to Admiral Lord Nelson, the old English Admiral, who was unlucky enough to only have one arm, one leg and one eye (111). However, as unlucky as he was, Admiral Lord Nelson did indeed still have both legs, but was missing an arm and had a pretty much useless eye. Another explanation is offered that the number refers to three of Lord Nelson's great naval victories, Copenhagen, the Nile, and Trafalgar, thus giving us won-won-won (111).

However, all is not lost. There is a way to combat the curse of Nelson. If a team reaches Nelson, it is widely believed that if the rest of the team stand on one leg, that the two batsmen at the crease will be OK until they score one more run to get off the cursed number. However, since modern sport is a serious affair its not likely that a whole team will stand on one leg for what could be a considerable period of time. But there are umpires (most notably the crazy old goat, David Shepperton "Shepp") who will actually hop on one leg until the team gets themselves off Nelson.

And, thankfully, I can now stop hopping around on one leg and get on with my life, as this is my 112th node. :)