Great things to keep oneself amused:

  • Koosh Balls. For some reason, balls need to be really bouncy, really soft, or look really cool. Baseballs don't make the grade.
  • Duct Tape or Scotch Tape. Masking Tape just doesn't work that well.
  • A Quarter. Think of all the things you can do with it! You can flip it (I seem to be the world's best coin flipper, everyone else just lobs it up before calling heads or tails), and spin it really really fast. Or you could just stare at it for hours and wonder where it's been, if it had eyes, what it's seen, what fantastic stories it could tell!
  • Office Supplies! A folder clip works great. Thanks to the inspiration of an advertisement I saw downtown, I have some type of quadraped creature sitting on my desk, assembled from 3 folder clips and one stapler remover. Quite fearsome, too.
  • Rubber Bands!!!! RUBBER BANDS! A piece of jewelry! A weapon! They hold stuff together in ways they weren't meant to be held together! Get a few of them together, and they're a musical instrument!