Last night I watched the first game of the World Series. The Royals won which was not a huge shock, the game went into extra innings, but I went home before it ended since I was tired of the bartender and the guy she was talking to at the end of the bar. Yesterday I found out that my car needs $1100 worth of parts, the good news is one of the guys I talked to who diagnosed the problem is willing to install my new hub assemblies, the bad news is that drained a lot of my savings and I don't know how much labor will end up costing me.

The guy I've been talking to called me last night. Postseason baseball only happens once a year so I use that as justification to stay up later than I normally would, but I had no intention of staying up until almost eight in the morning. We had such a good conversation last night. At one point he was pretending that he was unfamiliar with the wildlife in Wisconsin. He was asking me about the moose and caribou population and told me he wouldn't be surprised if he came home one day and found a trophy moose head sitting out on his porch. I was laughing pretty hard at some of the things he said. He likes to pick on me and I like to give it right back to him by making fun of where he lives.

At the parts store I found out that they need a delivery driver. I went online to apply for a job and saw some more opportunities so now I have to think about whether I want a part time job that would be relatively easy, or a full time one that would be a lot more challenging, but also more stimulating and would pay better. I need to put a resume together, such a loathesome task and worse without a computer, but I'll manage. Full time work would mean benefits and there's a practical aspect to that. Delivery driver is the safe option, there's always the possibility I could start at the bottom and work my way up the chain of command, but there's the risk that other positions may not be available later.

I put a layer of leaves on my garden yesterday. It rained last night which was good for the grass, my raspberries, and will help tamp that mulching material down and help it decompose more rapidly. When we were talking I told him about my purple hoe and turquoise shovel that I bought in the kid department of a local hardware store when we first moved out and I wanted a garden. For some reason we were talking about shooting snakes, I told him the story of my dad beheading a snake with a shovel, he called me a violent shovel fashionista, and I laughed so hard I thought I was going to start crying. It's really weird to have someone I can talk so easily to, it was late when he called, but all of sudden I looked at the clock and it was five in the morning.

He was writing an article about a Korean War veteran who has liver and colon cancer. I turned my email notifications off so I didn't see what he sent until half an hour had gone by. He wasn't happy with the ending so I read what he had and suggested rephrasing the final sentences and quote. I had heard about the interivew earlier, it was really neat to be able to see what he put together for this guy whose end of life seems near. He wanted the veteran to like what he had written, that led to a conversation on writing which turned into a conversation on Rita Hayworth, Fred Astaire, and old clothes and music from the 1940s that I enjoyed. I heard more about his family after I asked. He's a detail person who doesn't volunteer a lot about his own life. We have two sisters with the same names spelled differently which I thought was interesting, he told me my family doesn't know how to spell so I shot a lame retort back, it was just fun to lay on the couch and chat like a teenager again. 

I'd love to keep writing, but I have some work to do and I'm at the library again so this is goodbye until we meet again, whenever that may be...
