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Sullivan Ballou Jefferson Davis Jubal Early David Farragut Nathan Bedford Forrest John B. Gordon Ulysses S. Grant Joe Hooker Stonewall Jackson Robert E. Lee Abraham Lincoln James Longstreet George B. McClellan Wilmer McLean Raphael Semmes William Henry Seward Philip Henry Sheridan William Tecumseh Sherman Alexander Hamilton Stephens J.E.B. Stuart Stand Watie
Battle of Atlanta Battle of Bull Run Battle of Chancellorsville Battle of Chickamauga Battle of Fredericksburg Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Glorietta Battle of Seven Pines Battle of Shiloh Battle of the Wilderness Decisive Battles/Events First Manassas Monitor and Merrimack Pickett's Charge Second Manassas Shenandoah Valley Campaign Siege of Vicksburg
Apalachicola Appomattox Gettysburg Antietam Fort Sumter Harper's Ferry Mobile Bay Antietam Stone Mountain Oregon Hill The Peabody Hotel Appomattox Court House Seven Days
American Civil War ACW antebellum Army of the Potomac Confederacy Confederate Confederate Battle Flag Confederate States of America Grand Army of the Republic peculiar institution rebel flag rebel yell Reconstruction slavery Slavery, States' Rights, and Civil War State's Rights The South the Union Union War Between the States War of Northern Aggression War of the Rebellion
The Buck and Ball C.S.S. Virginia CSS H.L. Hunley U.S.S. Monitor USS Cairo USS Housatonic
A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify Secession of the State of Mississippi Amendment XIV Declaration of Southern Independence Editorial opinions expressed by the Richmond Times-Dispatch Fugitive Slave Acts Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 Gettysburg Address Missouri Compromise Morrill Land Grant Act Sovereignty Commission
Arlington National Cemetery Olustee Battlefield State Historic Site Gettysburg National Military Park
Am. Civil War-population stats Black Flag Capitals of the Confederate States of America Confederate Half Dollar Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! hand grenade Henry Villard Jefferson Davis' Little Known Offer Lee-Jackson Day Paul Morphy Pook Turtles Quantrill's Raiders redlegs Scalawag The Angel of Marye's Heights The Bonnie Blue Flag warfare innovations of the American Civil War Yankee Cheesebox
Band of Bros Barbara Frietchie General Lee HIST 3055-56: Civil War and Reconstruction at Virginia Tech I Wanna Go Back To Dixie Ken Burns Matthew Brady -- photographer Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All Stackpole Books -- publisher The Civil War -- poem by Anne Sexton The Guns of the South -- alternate history by Harry Turtledove The Eyes of Texas
Administrate & Mechanize: The Colonial Push (1847 - 1914) Administrate & Mechanize: The Colonial Push III American Anti-Slavery Society Civil War America vs. post-9/11 America Dred Scott v. Sanford Dred Scott Espionage in the Civil War Is the Confederacy part of the Union? John C. Frémont Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar Lucretia Mott Lynching in America Major US Military Operations Millard Fillmore Roger B. Taney
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