A small coastal city located between the cities of Delray Beach to the north and Deerfield Beach to the south. Contrary to popular belief, "raton" does NOT mean rat in spanish, it means mouse. The city was named Boca Raton because the first men to sail into the the region's bay believed it was shaped like a mouse's head.

Besides all the "blue hairs", there is also a number of younger folk in Boca Raton. The city is home Florida's smallest state university, Florida Atlantic University, which was the southern most airforce base during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Boca Raton is also environmentally idealistic. In the early 70's, the planning board passed a law limiting the population of the town to 100,000, by restricting the number of housing units to 40,000. They did this to preserve the quality of life to both the city's residents and wildlife. The developers didn't like the law and the battle went all the way to the supreme court where it was deemed unconstitutional. Fortunately, the battle lasted almost 10 years resulting in limited development during this time and allowing Boca Raton to be "greener" than surrounding cities.
Boca is also my hometown. I don't have blue hair (though sometimes I contemplate coloring it).