Pixies bootleg album, recorded live in Los Angeles on December 22, 1991. Put out by Hit Parade, P.O. Box 149, Arlington, VA 22210.

Cover art features a naked headless man, photographed in black and white. Art direction by Andrew Warhola at 3 Envelope, photography by Joel-Peter Wilkin.

Track listing:

  1. Rock Music
  2. Cecilia Ann
  3. Gouge Away
  4. Motorway to Roswell
  5. Alec Eiffel
  6. Velouria
  7. Crackity Jones
  8. Distance Equals Rate Times Time
  9. Manta Ray
  10. Mental Dance (this is actually "Dancing the Manta Ray")
  11. Lovely Day
  12. Subbacultcha
  13. Letter to Memphis
  14. Palace of the Brine
  15. Ed Is Dead
  16. Wave of Mutilation
  17. Monkey Gone to Heaven
  18. Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons