Sunday and quiet. My ex and the extroverted feeler left at 6 this am to head back to eastern Washington. I explained that the cat and the fish hate it when they go, the cat especially would like everyone to stay put. It's not really the cat of course. Me. I will miss especially the extroverted feeler. I enjoy my ex the first day but I get tired. I hate goodbyes. Too much like grief and remind me of too many goodbyes. Hope to see them by and by. Not too soon and not too long. Well, anyhow....
The introverted thinker is working on college applications and I should work on bills and clinic and the stupid medicare application fix and various other things. Back to work. I would rather iron node, of course, but there it is.....
We went to the beach and recreated a family photo. When we first came to town a photographer took a photo on North Beach with the light house behind us. My ex was holding our daughter, and my son was piggy back on me. This time we set the camera on a rock and pressed the ten second timer. I ran over and my daughter hoisted me. So, my ex was on our son's back, and I was on our daughter's. We are all laughing. Funny and symbolic: we carried them and hopefully now they will not have to carry us for a long time...