Dammit, Beavis!
I just got an email from Kate to let me know about a club's launch night - with promos such as pints of Stella Artois for 50p, vodka and mix for 50p, Aftershock for £1.25, JD and coke for £1.25, and two quid for anything else. And just a pound to get in for students.

It would even be free for me to get in because it's an SRC event.

The catch? I have an exam the next morning.


Anyway, I stopped by the SubCity office yesterday afternoon, and bumped into Lisa, our new station manager. Since there had been no other interest in the post, she made me Internet Production Manager for the next year. She was also trying to choose some other people for the team, and was having trouble trying not to be subjective and picking all her friends.

I've also started a minor overhaul on the SubCity site - well, fairly major if you look at the work I'm going to have to do with very little visual change. The frames are to go, and CSS will be in. Once again, a foolish plan seeing as I have exams coming up soon, and haven't done much studying yet.

Why do I get the feeling that today will be an uneventful day?

For a laugh, check out http://www.amielectableornot.com/index.cfm?murlid=647

not really of interest to anyone: i spoke to the chica last night, but she had to go because a friend turned up - so she'll call me back tonight. And I spoke to the ex for the first time in ages, and Gemma was sending drunken text messages again. And I dreamed about Lisa

23.50 bst

After discovering that we didn't have a copy of it in the house, and having a sudden desire to read it, I ordered Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy from bol.com - and so far resisted the temptation to shell out £30 on the Radio 4 version on CD.